The Insecurity Project
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The Insecurity Project App is Here!

The Insecurity Project App is the worlds only app based on years of research into the insecurity problem. Helping you practically get from x to y with an engaging, content hub and world class coach in your pocket.
— Scott Bidmead - Euda
Insecurity app features

Why an insecurity app?

The feedback I constantly get from podcast listeners to book readers and clients is this:

They want more from me in a way that makes them less overwhelmed!

People want less information, but more progress and someone to make it really easy to pinpoint the information that is most relevant for solving their biggest problems. They want direction on what to focus on that will get them the best results.

In the world today, people are also looking for added convenience and more speed.

We want it to work and we don’t want to wait.

This Insecurity App is my best offer for addressing all of these requests from the market.

The membership options give you all the above and more.

If you are looking for highly focused, results oriented coaching to fasttrack your confidence, security and clarity, the membership options allowing you to have this app in your pocket will give you all that and so much more!

Insecurity app features


Check out the video for a full explanation of how the app works, and why this will help you to fully overcome insecurity.

There are 3 pricing options depending on what suits you best

insecurity app pricing options

Over $1000+/month of coaching value


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