Jaemin Frazer
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The Insecurity Test © developed by insecurity expert Jaemin Frazer is based on 15,000+ coaching hours and shows you where insecurity is costing your business across 5 key indicators.


Entrepreneurs, leaders and business owners…

So you’ve tried everything…

 You've got the mechanics sorted

You're following all the best practice business frameworks

You know your product

You know you can deliver

You have a business plan

A marketing plan

A strategic plan

But there is no personal development plan

You know your product and service backwards, You know the industry, you know your clients biggest problems, you know exactly how to solve them, You know the potential of what your business is capable of, but there is still no breakthrough

What if the gap is YOU?

What if you are getting in your own way?

What if it's not the problem is not with the business tools, frameworks and systems - but simply your ability to be the kind of person who can consistently apply them. 

What if your business model is solid, but your ability to show up and deliver it is not?

Could it be that your internal game is the thing most impacting your external business results?

Have you ever contemplated the impact of your personal doubts, fears, limiting beliefs, insecurities, unresolved on your ability to show up at your best where it matters most?


Not convinced? What about…

  • Unconscious agreements

  • Unresolved conflict

  • Past mistake, failure and disappointment

  • Limiting beliefs

  • The imposter syndrome

  • Fear of not being enough