Jaemin Frazer
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Unhindered - The Seven Essential Practices for Overcoming Insecurity

“The best book I’ve ever read. No one has ever been able to explain the insecurity problem and solution to me so profoundly before” Wendy Taylor

This book was recommended to me as the as THE BEST book on the subject of personal insecurity - Dr Joe Vitale

“Tremendously helpful book” Daniel Sih.


The definitive guide to SOLVING the insecurity problem from one of Australia's best life coaches.

You may be insecure about being insecure, yet if you don’t find a way to face this fear and overcome your insecurity, it will ruin your life.

Rather than masking, medicating or managing your insecurities, this book provides the proven framework for solving the insecurity problem instead.

The 7 essential practices shows you exactly how to overcome insecurity for good so that you can show up at your best where it matters most, unhindered by self-doubt, fear and limiting beliefs.

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Unhindered audiobook review

 Here are a few of the secrets you’ll read about in this book:

  • Discover why midlife is the perfect time to overcome insecurity in your life.

  • ​Learn the proven framework for eradicating the fear of not being good enough from your life.

  • ​Real life case studies of how others have applied these tools and frameworks.

  • ​How to become unhindered by self doubt, fear and insecurity so you can show up at your best where it matters most.

  • The latest research around peak readiness for personal change work (The personal change bell curve).

  • Revolutionary insights into the relationship between insecurity and performance as you age.


  • Learn the secrets of the 4 stages of transformation.

  • ​World-class coaching tools and frameworks to help you experience deep personal change.

  • ​Accurately pinpoint what is at the heart of all personal insecurity.

  • ​Develop a believable plan to fully become an adult.

The personal change bell curve
The impact of insecurity on performance as we age