The Insecurity Project
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Leadership performance and relationship coaching

Become Unhindered with award winning life coach Jaemin Frazer

The process to become unhindered

Check the impact of hidden insecurity

Based on over 15,000 coaching hours, these tests have been designed to help you identify the hidden and unresolved insecurity getting in the way of the life you desire.


The Insecurity Project

overcoming insecurity

The Unhindered Podcast

The Unhindered podcast with Jaemin Frazer

Not many people agree that insecurity is a solvable problem, but this podcast is about showing you that not only is it possible, it is essential.

Eradicating the fears you’ve developed about yourself in younger years, is your most important adult work.

Listen in for weekly content and conversations and thought leadership on the subject of overcoming insecurity so you can show up to life unhindered by self doubt, fear and limiting beliefs.



Best life coach in Australia Jaemin Frazer
Best life coach in Australia Jaemin Frazer

About Jaemin Frazer - Author, TEDx Speaker, Coach

Jaemin is an award winning author and the founder of The Insecurity Project. He specialises in providing thought leadership for entrepreneurs, leaders and business owners on the subject of eradicating hidden and unresolved insecurity.

He is widely recognised as one of Australia's best life coaches and a leading voice globally on the subject of personal insecurity.

Jaemin Frazer - Global Insecurity expert

What I was born to do

Nothing inspires me more than working with leaders, entrepreneurs and problem solvers to uncover the blocks that are keeping them from their true potential. More than anything, the world needs these people to be at their best where it matters most. The future of the planet depends upon it!

It turns out that 99 times out of 100, it all comes back to some form of unresolved or hidden insecurity.

Underneath all patterns of human dysfunction lie limiting and disempowering beliefs about ourselves.

I’m convinced that insecurity is a solvable problem.

My whole life’s work has revolved around proving a clear, complete and intelligent solution to this significant source of pain and suffering. Serving ambitious people trying to do good work in the world to become unhindered by doubt, fear and self limiting beliefs is certainty what I was born to do.

Glen Carlson
“Jaemin is my personal coach. He is widely regarded as one of the best coaches in the country if not the world. And if I had to choose between time with Anthony Robbins or Jaemin Frazer, I’d choose Jaemin hands down. ”
— Glen Carlson. Dent global

Other thought leadership by Jaemin

Jaemin and Katherine Frazer from the Insecurity Project