Episode 174. 10 minute Tuesday - How to stop being so jealous


If jealousy is ruining your life, here is how to stop being jealous today.

The problem with jealousy is that it positions you as a victim with no power to improve the quality of your life. It stops your dead in your tracks and leaves you stuck right where you are.

Here are the 3 key questions to move you out of jealousy back into responsibility so you continue moving closer to the life you truly desire again:

1. Do I really want what they have? (Is it actually as good as it looks?)

2. Could I really handle what they have? (Would having what they have actually ruin me at this stage in my life?)

3. What must they believe about themselves to have what they have? (What must I believe about myself to not have what they have?)

Check out the full episode to see how these questions apply to you.