Episode 208. 10 minute Tuesday - Unconditional love


According to Websters dictionary, love is "an intense feeling of deep affection."

Analyse the mechanics of deep love and you’ll discover that it is not as selfless as you imagine. It is all about the intense feeling of deep affection YOU have for someone else.  

The key question then is: what is unconditional love? Does it exist in the real world? If there are no conditions is it actually love?

To have no conditions on someone else’s behaviour means they can do whatever they like to you and you must still remain affectionate towards them. That is not actually loving towards you or them!

If you still believe you do love that person in spite of their terrible treatment of you, you have confused love for something else entirely. 

Check out today’s episode of 10 minute Tuesday to gain an accurate understanding of true love for yourself and others.