Episode 233. Someone has to go first.

The insecurity project podcast

Someone has to go first.

I’m not sure two people are ever fully ready for change at the same time.
When problems arise between two people who care about each other, something must be done to clean the space again. If nothing is done things naturally get worse.
While both parties are impacted deeply, people always have different tolerances to relationship pain.
Some can cope with unresolved issues longer than others, but most people are just scared and ill-equiped. They don’t like what’s going on but have no idea how to fix it.

The leverage model is the framework for those with the readiness and courage to go first.
Those who may hate conflict, but hate tension with those they love even more.
Those who know the relationship is worth fighting for but just don’t now how to fight for it.
This is the roadmap for how to fix things with those you love.

On today’s podcast I want to talk to those people who are ready to go first. If you are going to fight for change, you will need more than just courage and determination, it must be the right kind of change, for all the right reasons with the right tools.

Let me show you how.