Episode 280. Charley Valher interview

Charley Valher on the Unhindered podcast with Jaemin Frazer

My guest today is Charley Valher. Charley is an award wining business, marketing and investment expert from Melbourne who has just completed the Unhindered experience. He was happy to share very personally about his experience eradicating insecurity from his life and answer these tough questions on the subject.

- Can you describe your initial resistance to the ‘overcoming insecurity’ content I was publishing online?
- What was it that caused you to realise that hidden insecurity was a problem worth investigating?
- What were some of the deep moments of awareness that rocked your world when we started coaching together?
- What did you find most transformational about the unhindered experience?
- What did you find most difficult to address?
- What has been the lasting fruit of confronting and eradicating your deepest fears about yourself?
- Any surprising changes in your life you never anticipated?
- Why do you think most people will not do what you’ve just done over the last 6 months?

We had a lot of fun in the coaching process together, and this conversation was no different. I’m sure you’ll find his journey super interesting and relevant to wherever you are at in the process of overcoming your own insecurity.