Episode 227. You can't have success without security

secure woman enjoying her success

This is the first 10 minute Tuesday for 2022.

On today’s episode, you’ll see that you can’t have success without security.

Success can only be true if you get to keep it. If it is fleeting, how is it success?

What is the point of chasing something if as soon as you grasp it, it evaporates right before your eyes?

If you are paranoid that you will be found out as an imposter, you’ll simply anticipate the moment it you’ll lose it all anyway.

If all your attention is on looking over your shoulder for the person who is going to better you and steal your crown, then what is the point of getting to the top in the first place?

If you fear you don’t really deserve it, you’ll convince yourself your success is fake. No matter what you achieve it will be hollow.

If you are insecure about your shortcomings, then you will be far more focussed on what you haven’t done than what you have. You’ll only downplay your achievements and make them count for nothing.

If you believe you are not enough, then whatever you’ve achieved, no matter how spectacular it is, will not be enough either.

To solve the success problem, you have to solve the insecurity problem first.

It is only when you come to accept your great inherent value and worth separate from your achievements and performance that you get to keep your success for good. You now have nothing to prove or defend. This alone allows you to see yourself as truly successful and genuinely enjoy the wins you’ve worked so hard to achieve.