Episode 314. 12 truths from therapy that may just change your life Unhindered contentJaemin FrazerDecember 10, 2024Therapy, Therapists, thinking week, Overcoming insecurityComment
Episode 303. Fighter jets, ADHD and the memories that stick Unhindered contentJaemin FrazerMay 16, 2024ADHD, Memory, Overcoming insecurity, vulnerability, evolution, mental illnessComment
Episode 293. The testing of your faith Unhindered contentJaemin FrazerOctober 31, 2023Faith, testing of faith, The miracle equation, The magicians way, Overcoming insecurity, trusting yourselfComment
Episode 274. Neck pillows and knowing who you are Unhindered contentJaemin FrazerApril 11, 2023USA, Cuss words, swearing, neck pillows, chimpanzees, Guatemala, Parenting, great books, Overcoming insecurity, 6 core needsComment
Episode 271. Teaching someone how to love you Unhindered contentJaemin FrazerMarch 7, 2023relationships, Conflict, Marriage, Jordan Peterson, beyond order, rule 10, Overcoming insecurity, Leverage, How to change the people you love, Training othersComment
Episode 154. 10 minute Tuesday - The 4 stages of transformation 10 minute TuesdayJaemin FrazerJuly 28, 2020Insecurity, Insecure, Transformation, Overcoming insecurityComment
Episode 143. 10 minute Tuesday - Archetypes 10 minute TuesdayJaemin FrazerJune 2, 2020Archetypes, Personal growth, Overcoming insecurity, The insecurity project Comments
Episode 56. 10 minute Tuesday - The sunk cost bias 10 minute TuesdayJaemin FrazerSeptember 24, 2018Sunk Cost Bias, Economoics, Overcoming insecurityComment